Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month, 10 am to 12 noon at The Granary, Quay Lane, Sudbury CO10 2AN.
Wednesday 11th May: Brian Mansfield will give a talk about Brunton’s Propellers, formerly a Sudbury firm.
Wednesday 8th June: Joanne Barham from the Victoria & Albert Museum on William Morris and Victorian Wallpaper.
Wednesday 13th July: Mark Mitchells on Characters of East Anglia.
Wednesday 10th August: Our annual picnic at Shrubs Farm, Lamarsh.
Wednesday 14th September: Kim Smith on Constable – The painter who could not get arrested.
Wednesday 12th October – Roger Green “The Green Man”
Wednesday 9th November – Rachel Thackeray “Silk – Art and Design”
Wednesday 14th December – Christmas Meeting
January 2023 – No Meeting
Wednesday 8th February 2023 – Jenny Antill “Bringing the First Russian Revolution to Life”