Salters Hall & Cleeve Hall

Salters Hall

There are several good timber-framed houses but the finest are the range known as Salter’s Hall and Chantry, bestseen from the opposite side of the road. They were mostly built around 1450 but the third gable is clearly earlier. These are houses of extremely high quality of which Salter’s Hall is the finest. All the windows have retained their original carved wooden tracery. Especially fine is the oriel window beneath the gable with its carved soffit showing St James the Less between an elephant and a lion. The builder of this house may well have been the owner of a fulling mill.

carved window soffit

Cleeve Hall

Cleeve Hall

Opposite Salter’s Hall is Cleeve Hall, originally Stour Hall (hence medieval Stourhall Street) then renamed Springfield Lodge. This is almost certainly the site of the original Sudbury Manor. At one time this house had gables but they were removed and the hipped roofs were added in the middle of the eighteenth century.

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