Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month, 10 am to 12 noon at The Granary, Quay Lane, Sudbury, CO10 2AN (except August).
8 January No meeting in January
12 February The Real Basil Brown
Sarah Doig
12 March Journal of a poor Suffolk Woodsman
Pip Wright
09 April “You’ll make a lovely sergeant…”
Janette Robinson
14 May Charles II and Newmarket
John Sutton
11 June “Overpaid and over here…”
Geoffrey Kay
09 July The Life and times of Peggy Cole MBE
Dave Steward
13 August Bury St Edmunds Guildhall – guided tour
10 September The story of a Bevin boy
Barbara McIlroy
08 October Bonfires and bells
Kate Jewell
12 November “We’ll meet again…”
Brian Thurlow
10 December Christmas at the Granary: a quiz, a talk, and seasonal refreshments
Download the programme as an A4 sheet: Programme-for-2025-talks.pdf .